Fungi on Stamps: Samoa to Switzerland
This section actually starts with stamps issued in the Western Sahara by the Republica Saharaui [VIEW] which is a partially recognised state that claims sovereignty over the entire territory of the former Spanish colony of Western Sahara. Local stamps are produced primarily for sale to stamp collectors and I don't include it in the title of this section because 'Samoa to Switzerland' is a much snappier title than 'Republica Arabe Saharaui Democratic to Switzerland'.
The section also includes stamps issued by St Thomas and Prince Islands (= Sao Tomé e Príncipe), which is in the Gulf of Guinea. This is another state which has issued enormous numbers of speculative sets. However, among these are some extremely fine images, for example those of 1987 [VIEW], 1991 [VIEW], 1992 [VIEW], 1993 [VIEW], and 1998 [VIEW].
Country of Issue | Year of Issue |
SG catalogue number or custom number | Description | CLICK to see graphic |
Saharaui Republic | 1997 | DM1997 | Six separate stamps: 28 ptas, Polyporus squamosus; 29 ptas, Lentinellus cochleatus; 40 ptas, Leccinum thalassium; 68 ptas, Galerina marginata; 105 ptas, Cortinarius traganus; 136 ptas, Stropharia rugosoannulata. | VIEW |
Saharaui Republic | 1997 | DM1997 | Minisheet showing Plectania coccinea growing on a twig, the 200 ptas stamp being a segment of the broader design. | VIEW |
Samoa | 1985 | 696 | Phallus indusiatus (as Dictyophora indusiata) | VIEW |
Samoa | 1985 | 697 | Ganoderma tornatum | |
Samoa | 1985 | 698 | Mycena chlorophos | |
Samoa | 1985 | 699 | Mycobonia flava | |
San Marino | 1967 | 826 | Amanita caesarea | VIEW |
San Marino | 1967 | 827 | Clitopilus prunulus, The Miller | |
San Marino | 1967 | 828 | Macrolepiota (as Lepiota) procera, Parasol mushroom | |
San Marino | 1967 | 829 | Boletus edulis, Cep | |
San Marino | 1967 | 830 | Russula paludosa | |
San Marino | 1967 | 831 | Calocybe gambosa (as Lyophyllum georgii, St. George's mushroom) | |
San Marino | 1992 | 1435 | Agaricus xanthodermus and Cortinarius sp. (?); Inedible mushrooms | VIEW |
San Marino | 1992 | 1436 | Amanita muscaria, Amanita phalloides and Ramaria sp.; Inedible mushrooms. | |
San Marino | 1992 | 1437 | Amanita caesarea, Boletus edulis, Lactarius deliciosus and Macrolepiota procera. Edible mushrooms in bowl | |
San Marino | 1992 | 1438 | Agaricus campestris, Cantharellus cibarius, Coprinus atramentarius, Lepista nuda and Macrolepiota procera. Edible mushrooms on cloth | |
Senegal | 1999 | 1588 | Amanita phalloides, one separate stamp (perforated), one imperforate, and one in an imperforate minisheet printed on card [VIEW]. | |
Senegal | 1999 | 1589 | Coprinus atramantarius, Common ink cap, one separate stamp (perforated), one imperforate, and one in an imperforate minisheet printed on card [VIEW]. | |
Senegal | 1999 | 1590 | Amanita virosa, Destroying angel (inscr Amanite vireuse), one separate stamp (perforated), one imperforate, and one in an imperforate minisheet printed on card [VIEW]. | |
Senegal | 1999 | 1591 | Agaricus campestris, Field mushroom (inscr campester), one separate stamp (perforated), one imperforate, and one in an imperforate minisheet printed on card [VIEW]. | |
Serbia | 2002 | DM2002 | Strip, 5 x 1, of four stamps and central label, 0.50, Boletus regius; 1.00, Amanita caesarea; 0.50, Macrolepiota procera; 1.00, Craterellus cornucopoides [VIEW]. Plus full sheet with five repeats of this strip, the central label making up a decorative mosaic of other fungus images [VIEW]. | |
Serbia | 2008 | DM2008 | Four stamps in 5 x 1 strips with a central label, all 0.70 face value; Gyromitra esculenta, Amanita muscaria, Amanita patherina and Amanita phalloides, The full sheet with five repeats of this strip, the central label making up a decorative mosaic of a woodland scene. | VIEW |
Seychelles | 1985 | 95 | Lenzites elegans | VIEW |
Seychelles | 1985 | 96 | Xylaria telfairei | |
Seychelles | 1985 | 97 | Lentinus sajor-caju | |
Seychelles | 1985 | 98 | Hexagonia tenuis | |
Sierra Leone | 1988 | 1121 | Russula cyanoxantha | VIEW |
Sierra Leone | 1988 | 1122 | Lycoperdon perlatum | |
Sierra Leone | 1988 | 1123 | Lactarius deliciosus | |
Sierra Leone | 1988 | 1124 | Boletus edulis | |
Sierra Leone | 1988 | MS1125 | Minisheet, 100 x 70 mm. 65l. Amanita muscaria | VIEW |
Sierra Leone | 1990 | 1578 | Chlorophyllum molybdites | VIEW |
Sierra Leone | 1990 | 1579 | Lepista nuda | |
Sierra Leone | 1990 | 1580 | Clitocybe nebularis | |
Sierra Leone | 1990 | 1581 | Cyathus striatus | |
Sierra Leone | 1990 | 1582 | Bolbitius vitellinus | |
Sierra Leone | 1990 | 1586 | Oudemansiella radicata | |
Sierra Leone | 1990 | 1587 | Phallus indusiatus | |
Sierra Leone | 1990 | 1588 | Macrolepiota rhacodes | |
Sierra Leone | 1990 | 1589 | Mycena pura | |
Sierra Leone | 1990 | 1590 | Volvariella volvacea | |
Sierra Leone | 1990 | 1591 | Omphalotus olearius | |
Sierra Leone | 1990 | 1593 | Schizophyllum commune | |
Sierra Leone | 1990 | MS1594 | Three minisheets, each 101 x 70 mm, 350l. (a) Hypholoma fasciculare, (b) 350l. Psilocybe coprophila, (c) Suillus granulatus. | VIEW |
Sierra Leone | 1993 | 1990 | Amanita flammeola | VIEW |
Sierra Leone | 1993 | 1991 | Cantharellus pseudocibarius | |
Sierra Leone | 1993 | 1992 | Volvariella volvacea | |
Sierra Leone | 1993 | 1993 | Termitomyces microcarpus | |
Sierra Leone | 1993 | 1994 | Auricularia auricula-judae | |
Sierra Leone | 1993 | 1995 | Lentinus tuber-regium (Pleurotus tuberregium) | |
Sierra Leone | 1993 | 1996 | Schizophyllum commune | |
Sierra Leone | 1993 | 1997 | Termitomyces robustus | |
Sierra Leone | 1993 | MS1998 | Minisheets, 106 x 76 mm. (a) 1000l. Daldinia concentrica, 1000l. Phallus rubicundus. Set of 2 sheets. | VIEW |
Sierra Leone | 1996 | 2514 | Poronidulus conchifer | VIEW |
Sierra Leone | 1996 | 2515 | Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa | |
Sierra Leone | 1996 | 2516 | Cortinarius semisanguineus | |
Sierra Leone | 1996 | 2517 | Volvariella (as Volvamella) surrecta | |
Sierra Leone | 1996 | 2518 | Lepiota cepaestipes | |
Sierra Leone | 1996 | 2519 | Amanita rubescans | |
Sierra Leone | 1996 | 2520 | Phyllotopsis nidulans | |
Sierra Leone | 1996 | 2521 | Lysyrus gardneri | |
Sierra Leone | 1996 | MS2533 | Minisheet, 110 x 80 mm. (a) 1500l. Psathyrella epimyces (horiz). | VIEW |
Sierra Leone | 1998 | DM1998 | Two collective sheets, 117 x 114 mm, both six stamps, 3 x 2; all stamps vert. and all Le500 face value; (a) Agaricus (inscr. Agancus) arvensis, Agaricus (inscr. Agancus) sylvaticus, Coprinus comatus, Hypholoma fasciculare, Inocybe patouillatdii, Inocybe napipes [VIEW]; (b) Amanita virosa, Amanita citrina, Pluteus cervinus, Volvaria speciosa, Macrolepiota procera, Macrolepiota rhacodes [VIEW]. | |
Sierra Leone | 2001 | 3564 | Clathrus archeri, Armed stinkhorn (vert) | VIEW |
Sierra Leone | 2001 | 3565 | Inocybe erubescens, red-staining inocybe. | |
Sierra Leone | 2001 | 3566 | Amanitopsis vaginata, Grisette (vert) | |
Sierra Leone | 2001 | 3567 | Inocybe jurana (vert) | |
Sierra Leone | 2001 | 3568 | Xerula longipes (vert) | |
Sierra Leone | 2001 | 3569 | Tricholoma matsutake, Matsu-take mushroom (vert) | |
Sierra Leone | 2001 | MS3578 | Minisheet, 98 x 74 mm, 5000l. Lactarius deliciosus, Orange latex lactarius. | VIEW |
Sierra Leone | 2009 | 4665 | Panaeolus papilionaceus | VIEW |
Sierra Leone | 2009 | 4666 | Lactarius deliciosus, Orange latex lactarius | |
Sierra Leone | 2009 | 4667 | Laccaria amethystina, Purple laccaria | |
Sierra Leone | 2009 | 4668 | Lactarius hepaticus, Liver lactarius | |
Sierra Leone | 2009 | MS4669 | Collective sheet of six 1700le face value stamps; Amanita phalloides; Pycnoporus cinnabarinus; Boletus edulis; Amanita pantherina; Amanita muscaria; Coprinus micaceus. | VIEW |
Slovenia | 1996 | MS298 | Minisheet, 114 x 80 mm containing two stamps (a) 65t Cantharellus cibarius and (b) 75t. Boletus edulis. | VIEW |
Solomon Islands | 1984 | 513 | Calvatia gardneri | VIEW |
Solomon Islands | 1984 | 514 | Marasmiellus inoderma | |
Solomon Islands | 1984 | 515 | Pycnoporus sanguineus | |
Solomon Islands | 1984 | 516 | Filoboletus manipularis | |
Somalia | 1993 | DM1993 | SEPARATES: 200 sh, Amanita spissa; 500 Sh, Cantharellus friesii, 800 Sh, Coprinus comatus; 1500 Sh, Boletus reticulatus. | VIEW |
Somalia | 1994 | DM1994 | SEPARATES; 300 Sh, Lactarius deliciosus; 400 Sh, Amanita muscaria; 900 Sh, Russula vesca; 1000 Sh, Morchella vulgaris. | VIEW |
Somalia | 1999 | DM1999 | Somaliland (self-declared sovereign region of Somalia); block of six stamps, all 1500 shilin face value, all horiz [VIEW]. PLUS minisheet 73 x 60 mm., with one stamp of 3000 shilin [VIEW]. | |
Somalia | 1999 | DM1999 | Somali Republic: SEPARATES; 100Sh, Coprinus atramentarius; 200 Sh, Russula pseudointegra; 300 Sh, Pleurotus spodoleucus; 400 Sh, Boletus purpureus; 700 Sh, Hygrophorus tristis; 500 Sh, Cortinarius subvalidus [VIEW]. PLUS decorative minisheet, 110 x 90 mm, with a single 1000 Sh stamp showing Cortinarius renidens [VIEW]. | |
Somalia | 2000 | DM2000 | Two sheets, 128 x 173 mm, of nine (vert.) stamps, 3 1000 shillings, 3 at 2000 and 3 at 3000 somali shillings face value. Showing unidentified mushrooms. [VIEW A ], [VIEW B]. | |
Somalia | 2001 | DM2001 | Collective sheet, 175 x 131 mm, 3 x 3, all vert., Mushrooms and Butterflies; 100 Sh, Gyrodon lividus; 200 Sh, Hydnum repandum; 300 Sh, Hypholoma eburneus; 400 Sh, Sarcodon imbricatus; 400 Sh, Suillus granulatus; 500 Sh, Suillus luteus; 500 Sh, Hygrophorus nemoreus; 700 Sh, Tricholoma sulphureum; 1000 Sh, Clitocybe sinopica [VIEW]. IMPERFORATE version of the same sheet [VIEW]. | |
Somalia | 2001 | DM2001 | Collective sheet, 130 x 125 mm, 3 x 2, all vert., Mushrooms and Baden Powell; 100 Sh, Agaricus bisporus; 200 Sh, Lepista personata; 300 Sh, Suillus granulatus; 400 Sh, Suillus luteus; 500 Sh, Pleurotus cornucopiae; 700 Sh, Boletus parasiticus. | VIEW |
Somalia | 2002 | DM2002 | Sheet, 138 x 192 mm, of nine (vert.) stamps, all 2500 somali shillings face value, showing various wildlife with a sprinkling of fairies. Two of the stamps show Amanita muscaria cap, one with faires, one with kingfisher. | VIEW |
Somalia | 2002 | DM2002 | Separate stamps; 100 Sh.So., Hygrophorus psittacinus; 200 Sh.So., Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca; 600 Sh.So., Clitocybe geotropa; 3300 Sh.So., Lepiota leucothites [VIEW]. PLUS a single-stamp sheet, 100 x 130 mm, gold ink, 3300 Sh.So., showing drawings of unidentified mushrooms [VIEW]. | |
Somalia | 2002 | DM2002 | Sheet, 100 x 129 mm, each with a single, vert.,3000 Sh.So., face value stamp; sheets illustrate a variety of wild life, stamps include four different unidentified mushrooms. Set of four sheets [VIEW 1 & 2], [VIEW 3 & 4]. | |
Somalia | 2003 | DM2003 | Sheet 138 x 184 mm, of nine stamps (3 x 3), all vert., all 2500 So.Sh. face value, all show excellent photographs of mushrooms, none identified [VIEW]. Sheet 94 x 119 mm, of four stamps, all vert., all 2500 So.Sh. face value, all show excellent photographs of mushrooms, none identified [VIEW]. PLUS Sheet 119 x 94 mm, of four stamps, all horiz., all 2500 So.Sh. face value, all show excellent photographs of mushrooms, none identified [VIEW]. | |
Somaliland | 1999 | DM1999 | Somaliland (self-declared sovereign region of Somalia); block of six stamps, all 1500 shilin face value, all horiz [VIEW]. PLUS minisheet 73 x 60 mm., with one stamp of 3000 shilin [VIEW]. | |
Spain | 1993 | 3205 | Macrolepiota (Lepiota) procera | VIEW |
Spain | 1993 | 3206 | Amanita caesarea, Caesar's mushroom | |
Spain | 1993 | 3207 | Lactarius sanguifluus | |
Spain | 1993 | 3208 | Russula cyanoxantha, The charcoal burner | |
Spain | 1994 | 3256 | Boletus edulis, Cep | VIEW |
Spain | 1994 | 3257 | Boletus satanas, Satan's mushroom | |
Spain | 1994 | 3258 | Amanita phalloides, Death cap | |
Spain | 1994 | 3259 | Lactarius deliciosus, Saffron milk cap | |
Spain | 1995 | 3312 | Coprinus comatus | VIEW |
Spain | 1995 | 3313 | Dermocybe cinnamomea | |
Spain | 2007 | 4264 | Tricholoma equestre | VIEW |
Spain | 2007 | 4265 | Amanita muscaria | |
Spain | 2008 | 4392 | Lepista nuda | VIEW |
Spain | 2008 | 4393 | Boletus regius | |
Spain | 2009 | 4478 | Boletus pinophilus | VIEW |
Spain | 2009 | 4479 | Cantharellus cibarius | |
St Helena | 1983 | 415 | Trametes (Coriolus) versicolor | VIEW |
St Helena | 1983 | 416 | Pluteus brunneisucus | |
St Helena | 1983 | 417 | Polyporus induratus (horiz) | |
St Helena | 1983 | 418 | Coprinus angulatus | |
St Kitts - Nevis | 1987 | 241 | Hygrocybe occidentalis | VIEW |
St Kitts - Nevis | 1987 | 242 | Marasmius haematocephalus | |
St Kitts - Nevis | 1987 | 243 | Psilocybe cubensis | |
St Kitts - Nevis | 1987 | 244 | Hygrocybe acutoconica | |
St Kitts - Nevis | 1987 | 245 | Boletellus cubensis | |
St Kitts - Nevis | 2001 | 579 | A collective sheet of Caribbean Flora and Fauna, this stamp showing the Bananaquit bird. | VIEW |
St Kitts - Nevis | 2001 | 580 | A collective sheet of Caribbean Flora and Fauna, this stamp showing Anthurium flower heads. | |
St Kitts - Nevis | 2001 | 581 | A collective sheet of Caribbean Flora and Fauna, this stamp showing the Common Dolphin. | |
St Kitts - Nevis | 2001 | 582 | Agaricus arvensis. A collective sheet of Caribbean Flora and Fauna, this stamp showing the Horse Mushroom | |
St Kitts - Nevis | 2001 | 583 | A collective sheet of Caribbean Flora and Fauna, this stamp showing the Green anole lizard. | |
St Kitts - Nevis | 2001 | 584 | A collective sheet of Caribbean Flora and Fauna, this stamp showing the Monarch butterfly | |
St Kitts - Nevis | 2010 | 1006 | Alboleptonia stylophora | VIEW |
St Kitts - Nevis | 2010 | 1007 | Cantharellus cibarius | |
St Kitts - Nevis | 2010 | 1008 | Armillaria puiggarii | |
St Kitts - Nevis | 2010 | 1009 | Battarrea phalloides | |
St Kitts - Nevis | 2010 | MS1010 | Collective sheet, 106 x 140 mm, with six $2 face value stamps featuring: Cantharellus cinnabarinus; Collybia aurata; Collybia biformis; Amanita ocreata; Calocybe cyanea; Chroogomphus rutilus (all horiz). | VIEW |
St Kitts - Nevis | 2011 | DM2011 | Souvenir sheet, 'Caribbean Mushrooms', 118 x 135 mm, six stamps, all vert., all $1.60 face value; Pholiota spectabilis; Flammula penetrans; Ungulina marginata; Collybia iocephala; Amanita muscaria, Coprinus comatus [VIEW]. PLUS a minisheet, 68 x 98 mm, $5.00 face value, with Macrolepiota (Lepiota) procera [VIEW]. | |
St Lucia | 1989 | 1022 | Gerronema citrinum | VIEW |
St Lucia | 1989 | 1023 | "Lepiota spiculata" | |
St Lucia | 1989 | 1024 | Calocybe cyanocephala | |
St Lucia | 1989 | 1025 | Russula puiggarii | |
St Lucia | 1989 | 1022 | Gerronema citrinum; FDC featuring all four stamps in the set, cancelled 31 May 1989 | VIEW |
St Lucia | 1989 | 1023 | Lepiota spiculata; FDC featuring all four stamps in the set, cancelled 31 May 1989 | |
St Lucia | 1989 | 1024 | Calocybe cyanocephala; FDC featuring all four stamps in the set, cancelled 31 May 1989 | |
St Lucia | 1989 | 1025 | Russula puiggarii; FDC featuring all four stamps in the set, cancelled 31 May 1989 | |
St Pierre & Miquelon | 1988 | 598 | Russula paludosa, black, orange and brown | VIEW |
St Pierre & Miquelon | 1989 | 609 | Tricholoma virgatum, brown and red | VIEW |
St Pierre & Miquelon | 1990 | 645 | Hydnum repandum, brown, black and orange | VIEW |
St Thomas & Prince Islands | 1984 | DM1984 | SEPARATES; 10Db, Coprinus micaceus; 20Db, Amanita rubescens; 30Db, Armillariella mellea [VIEW]. PLUS minisheet, 85 x 118 mm, Db30, unidentified [VIEW]. | |
St Thomas & Prince Islands | 1986 | DM1986 | SEPARATES: 6Db, Fistulina hepatica; 25Db, Collybia butyracea; 30Db, Entoloma clypeatum [VIEW]. PLUS minisheet, 112 x 149 mm, 75Db, unidentified (sheet shows Stereum hirsutum) [VIEW]. | |
St Thomas & Prince Islands | 1987 | DM1987 | SEPARATES; strip of three; Db6, Calocybe ionides; Db25, Hygrophorus coccineus; Db30, Boletus versipellus [VIEW]. PLUS minisheet, 113 x 82 mm, 35Db, Morchella vulgaris [VIEW]. | |
St Thomas & Prince Islands | 1990 | DM1990 | SEPARATES: Five stamps, all vert., all Db20; Coprinus micaceus; Krombholzia aurantiaca; Boletus aereus; Pholiota spectabilis; Stropharia aeruginosa [VIEW]. Plus minisheets, 86 x 110 mm, both horiz., both Db50 face valus (a) Hypholoma capnoides [VIEW]; (b) Pleurotus ostreatus [VIEW]. | |
St Thomas & Prince Islands | 1991 | DM1991 | SEPARATES: Five stamps, all vert.; Db50, Clitocybe geotropa; Db50, Lepiota procera; Db75, Boletus granulatus; Db125, Coprinus comatus; Db200, Amanita rubescens [VIEW]. PLUS minisheets, 115 x 110 mm, both Db500 face value; (a) Nictalis parasitica (horiz.) [VIEW]; (b) Armillariella mellea (vert.) [VIEW]. | |
St Thomas & Prince Islands | 1992 | DM1992 | SEPARATES: Five stamps, all vert.; Db75, Leccinum ocabrum; Db100, Amanita spissa; Db125, Strugilomyces floccopus; Db200, Suillus luteus; Db500, Agaricus sylvaticus (as siluaticus) [VIEW]. Minisheets, 107 x 88 mm, both DB1000 face value; (a) Agaricus campestris (as campestre)(vert.) [VIEW]; (b) Amanita pantherina (as pantherma)(horiz.) [VIEW]. | |
St Thomas & Prince Islands | 1993 | DM1993 | SEPARATES: Five stamps, all vert., all Db800 face value; Amanita caesarea, Agrocybe aegerita, Psalliota arvensis, Coprinus comatus, Hygrophorus psittacinus [VIEW]. PLUS minisheets, 96 x 70 mm, both Db2000 face value: (a) Ramaria aurea (vert.) [VIEW]; (b) Pluteus murinus (horiz.) [VIEW]. | |
St Thomas & Prince Islands | 1995 | DM1995 | Sheet, 182 x 135 mm, of nine stamps (3 x 3), all horiz., all Db1000 face value; Xerocomus rubellus, Rozites caperata, Cortinarius violaceus, Pholiota flammans, Lactarius volemus, Cortinarius sp., Cortinarius sp. (different), Hygrophorus sp. (as Higroforo), Boletus chrysenteron [VIEW]. PLUS a single-stamp minisheet,66 x 98 mm, Db2000 (vert.), Russula cyanoxantha [VIEW]; PLUS a single-stamp minisheet, 98 x 66 mm, Db2000 (vert.), Amanita muscaria [VIEW]. | |
St Thomas & Prince Islands | 1998 | DM1998 | Sheet x 2, 135 x 180 mm, of nine stamps (3 x 3), all vert., all Db2000 face value; mushrooms not identified [VIEW]. PLUS minisheet 94 x 62 mm, single stamp (horiz.), Db6000 face value, Auricularia aurantia [VIEW]; PLUS minisheet 62 x 94 mm, single stamp (vert.), Db6000 face value, Amanita muscaria [VIEW]. | |
St Thomas & Prince Islands | 2003 | DM2003 | Separate stamp featuring Alexander Fleming with unnamed mushroom. Db5000 face value; PLUS same stamp UNFERFORATED. | VIEW |
St Thomas & Prince Islands | 2003 | DM2003 | Collective sheet, 142 x 107 mm, six stamps (3 x 2), all square: (a) all show the same image of a wasp on an acorn on bottom right quarter, Db1000, Boletus edulis f. betulicola; Db2000, Boletus edulis f. pinicola; Db3000, Boletus appendiculatus; Db5000, Boletus fechtneri; Db6000, Boletus luridus; Db15000, Boletus impolitus [VIEW]; (b) same as (a) but IMPERFORATE [VIEW]; (c) all have a (different) butterfly in bottom right quarter, Db1000, Russula nigricans; Db2000, Lactarius volemus; Db3000, Russula cyanoxantha; Db5000, Gomphideus roseus; Db6000, Russula integra; Db15000, Agaricus bisporus [VIEW]; (d) all have a (different) orchid extending from bottom right quarter, Db1000, Xerocomus subtomentosus (as cubtomentosus); Db2000, Suillus placidus; Db3000, Boletus edulis f. aereus; Db5000, Suillus variegatus; Db6000, Tylopilus felleus; Db15000, Aureoboletus gentilis [VIEW]; (e) same as (d) but IMPERFORATE [VIEW]; PLUS Souvenir sheets, 144 x 106 mm; (a) Db38000, Agaricus bisporus + butterfly [VIEW]; (b) Db38000, Boletus edulis f. betulicola + wasp [VIEW]; (c) same as (b) but IMPERFORATE [VIEW]; (d) Db38000, Boletus edulis f. aereus + orchid [VIEW]; (e) same as (d) but IMPERFORATE [VIEW]. | |
St Thomas & Prince Islands | 2004 | DM2004 | Sheet of nine stamps (3 x 3), all Dbs10000 face value, all horiz., all carry both a mushroom and an orchid photograph; not identified. Mushrooms include Coprinus sylvaticus, Coprinopsis cinerea, Armillaria sp., Lycoperdon sp.,, Panaeolus sp. | VIEW |
St Thomas & Prince Islands | 2004 | DM2004 | Sheet of nine stamps, all vert., three designs repeated three times: Dbs9000, hibiscus; Dbs7000, succulent plant; Dbs5000 unnamed mushroom [VIEW]. PLUS minisheet, 116 x 107 mm, with a single stamp of the same mushroom design but with face value Dbs35000 [VIEW]. | |
St Thomas & Prince Islands | 2006 | DM2006 | Sheet of four stamps PLUS four labels (4 x 2); Db7000, Cortinarius triumphans; Rotary label, Cortinarius multiformis; Db9000, Cortinarius subfulgens; Lions label, Cantharellus cibarius; Rotary label, Cortinarius glaucopus; Db10000, Agaricus augustus; Lions label, Kuehmeromyces mutabilis; Db14000, Leucocortinarius bulbiger [VIEW]. PLUS the same sheet IMPERFORATE [VIEW]. PLUS the same four stamps in IMPERFORATE minisheets, 54 x 54 mm [VIEW]. PLUS sheet, 142 x 108 mm, with Db40000 stamp, Phodilus badius [VIEW]. PLUS the same minisheet IMPERFORATE [VIEW]. | |
St Thomas & Prince Islands | 2006 | DM2006 | Sheet of four stamps, all square, all with Baden Powell portrait two also feature owls & orchids and two feature mushrooms and minerals, none identified; ONE printed on SILVER foil [VIEW], PLUS one printed on GOLD foil [VIEW]. | |
St Thomas & Prince Islands | 2007 | DM2007 | Sheet, 175 x 98 mm, of 4 stamps + 2 labels (3 x 2, all horiz.), two/three mushrooms on each stamp; Db7000, Pleurotus salignus + Catathelasma sp. + Suillus luteus; Db9000, Lactarius tormenosus + Tricholoma portentosum; Db10000, Pleuotus ostreatus + Lactarius necator; Db14000, Pleurotus eryngii +Tricholomopsis rutilans; central label (two perforated stamps) shows Macrolepiota sp. and is inscribed 'Cenenario do Escutismo' [VIEW]. PLUS same sheet IMPERFORATE [VIEW]. PLUS souvenir sheet, 142 x 108 mm, single stamp, Db14000 face value (now square) showing Pleurotus eryngii +Tricholomopsis rutilans [VIEW]; PLUS same sheet IMPERFORATE [VIEW]. PLUS souvenir sheet, 197 x 108 mm, single stamp (horiz.) Db40000, Entoloma sinuatum + Calocybe gambosa [VIEW]; PLUS same sheet IMPERFORATE [VIEW]. | |
St Thomas & Prince Islands | 2007 | DM2007 | Sheet, 126 x 103, of four stamps (all horiz.); Db7000 Boletus badius + Alexander Fleming; Db9000, Boletus edulis + Leccinum quercinum; Db10000, Amanita muscaria (as A. pantherina) + Russula vesca; Db14000, Amanita muscaria + Alaxander Fleming [VIEW]. PLUS the same sheet IMPERFORATE [VIEW]. | |
St Thomas & Prince Islands | 2008 | DM2008 | Sheet, 180 x 140 mm, of nine stamps (3 x 3) all horiz., all DB10000 face value, all show a mushroom + an orchid; Strobilomyces floccopus, Entoloma clypeatum, Gymnopilus spectabolis, Leccinum scabrum, Cortinarius praestans, Cortinarius traganus, Inocybe fastigiata, Pholiota destruens, Hebeloma radicosum [VIEW]. PLUS a souvenir sheet, 143 x 108 mm, single stamp, (square), Db95000, Suillus aeruginascens [VIEW]. | |
St Thomas & Prince Islands | 2008 | DM2008 | Sheet, 98 x 125 mm, of four stamps (all vert.), three of Db20000 face value, Cantharellus cibarius, Hydnum sp., Agaricus bisporus (as Psalliote - champignon de couchs (couchs = layers)) Db40000, Xerocomus rubellus. | VIEW |
St Thomas & Prince Islands | 2009 | DM2009 | Sheet, 131 x 98 mm, of six images (3 x 2), but only four perforated stamps, three of Db25000 face value, Russula paludosa, Tricholomopsis rutilans, Boletus reticulatus, one at Db35000, Lentinus tigrinus; PLUS the same sheet IMPERFORATE [VIEW]. PLUS a single (square) stamp souvenir sheet, 142 x 108 mm, Db100000, Omphalotus olearis [VIEW]; PLUS the same sheet IMPERFORATE [VIEW]. | |
St Thomas & Prince Islands | 2009 | DM2009 | 2009: Sheet, 131 x 98 mm, of six images (3 x 2), but only four perforated stamps, two of Db13000 face value, Clitocybe odora, Gomphidius roseus; and two of Db39000 face value, Xerocomus porospous, Russula olivacea [VIEW]. PLUS the same set of FOUR stamps in 90 x 78 mm minisheets IMPERFORATE [VIEW]. PLUS a souvenir sheet, 142 x 108 mm with a single (square) stamp of Db100000 face value showing Clitocybe gibba [VIEW]. | |
St Thomas & Prince Islands | 2011 | DM2011 | Two s ouvenir sheets, 120 x 120 mm, each with two (vert.) stamps; one inscribed 'Edible mushrooms' shows two Db35000 stamps featuring Boletus junquilius and Xerocomus badius [VIEW]. The other, inscribed 'Mushrooms', of two Db55000 stamps featuring Amanita muscaria and Macrolepiota procera [VIEW]. | |
St Vincent | 1992 | 1927 | Collybia subpruinosa | VIEW |
St Vincent | 1992 | 1928 | Gerronema citrinum | |
St Vincent | 1992 | 1929 | Amanita antillana | |
St Vincent | 1992 | 1930 | Dermoloma atrobrunneum | |
St Vincent | 1992 | 1931 | Inopilus maculosus | |
St Vincent | 1992 | 1932 | Pulveroboletus brachyspermus | |
St Vincent | 1992 | 1933 | Mycena violacella | |
St Vincent | 1992 | 1934 | Xerocomus brasiliensis | |
St Vincent | 1992 | 1935 | Amanita ingrata | |
St Vincent | 1992 | 1936 | Leptonia caeruleocapitata | |
St Vincent | 1992 | 1937 | Limacella myochroa | |
St Vincent | 1992 | 1938 | Inopilus magnificus | |
St Vincent | 1992 | MS1939 | Minisheets, 101 x 68 mm. (a) $6 Limacella guttata, (b) $6 Amanita agglutinata, (c) $6 Trogia buccinalis. Set of 3 sheets. | VIEW |
St Vincent | 1998 | 3977 | Gymnopilus spectabilis (with Great Purple Hairstreak butterfly) | VIEW |
St Vincent | 1998 | 3978 | Entoloma lividium | |
St Vincent | 1998 | 3979 | Pholiota flammans | |
St Vincent | 1998 | 3980 | Panaeolus semiovatus | |
St Vincent | 1998 | 3981 | Stropharia rugosoannulata | |
St Vincent | 1998 | 3991 | Tricholoma sulphureum | |
St Vincent | 1998 | 3982 | Amanita caesarea, in a 3 x 3 collective with other $1 stamps. | VIEW |
St Vincent | 1998 | 3983 | Amanita muscaria, in a 3 x 3 collective with other $1 stamps. | |
St Vincent | 1998 | 3984 | Amanita ovoidea, in a 3 x 3 collective with other $1 stamps. | |
St Vincent | 1998 | 3985 | Amanita phalloides, in a 3 x 3 collective with other $1 stamps. | |
St Vincent | 1998 | 3986 | Amanitopsis inaurata, in a 3 x 3 collective with other $1 stamps. | |
St Vincent | 1998 | 3987 | Amanitopsis vaginata, in a 3 x 3 collective with other $1 stamps. | |
St Vincent | 1998 | 3988 | Psalliota campestris, in a 3 x 3 collective with other $1 stamps. | |
St Vincent | 1998 | 3989 | Psalliota arvensis, in a 3 x 3 collective with other $1 stamps. | |
St Vincent | 1998 | 3990 | Coprinus comatus, in a 3 x 3 collective with other $1 stamps. | |
St Vincent | 1998 | 3992 | Coprinus picaceus, in a 3 x 3 collective with other $1.10 stamps. | VIEW |
St Vincent | 1998 | 3993 | Stropharia umbonatescens, in a 3 x 3 collective with other $1.10 stamps. | |
St Vincent | 1998 | 3994 | Hebeloma crustuliniforme, in a 3 x 3 collective with other $1.10 stamps. | |
St Vincent | 1998 | 3995 | Cortinarius collinitus, in a 3 x 3 collective with other $1.10 stamps. | |
St Vincent | 1998 | 3996 | Cortinarius violaceus, in a 3 x 3 collective with other $1.10 stamps. | |
St Vincent | 1998 | 3997 | Cortinarius armillatus, in a 3 x 3 collective with other $1.10 stamps. | |
St Vincent | 1998 | 3998 | Tricholoma aurantium, in a 3 x 3 collective with other $1.10 stamps. | |
St Vincent | 1998 | 3999 | Russula virescens, in a 3 x 3 collective with other $1.10 stamps. | |
St Vincent | 1998 | 4000 | Clitocybe infundibuliformis, in a 3 x 3 collective with other $1.10 stamps. | |
St Vincent | 1998 | MS4001 | Minisheets, 70 x 100 mm, (a) $6 Amanita caesarea [VIEW], (b) $6 Hygrocybe conica [VIEW]. | |
St Vincent | 2001 | 4834 | Amanita fulva | VIEW |
St Vincent | 2001 | 4835 | Hygrophorus speciosus | |
St Vincent | 2001 | 4836 | Amanita phalloides | |
St Vincent | 2001 | 4855 | Cantharellus cibarius | |
St Vincent | 2001 | 4837 | Amanita muscaria, in a 3 x 2 collective sheet with other $1.40 stamps. | VIEW |
St Vincent | 2001 | 4838 | Boletus zelleri, in a 3 x 2 collective sheet with other $1.40 stamps. | |
St Vincent | 2001 | 4839 | Coprinus picaceus, in a 3 x 2 collective sheet with other $1.40 stamps. | |
St Vincent | 2001 | 4840 | Stropharia aeruginosa, in a 3 x 2 collective sheet with other $1.40 stamps. | |
St Vincent | 2001 | 4841 | Lepistra nuda, in a 3 x 2 collective sheet with other $1.40 stamps. | |
St Vincent | 2001 | 4842 | Hygrophorus conicus, in a 3 x 2 collective sheet with other $1.40 stamps. | |
St Vincent | 2001 | 4843 | Lactarius deliciosus, in a 3 x 2 collective sheet with other $1.40 stamps. | VIEW |
St Vincent | 2001 | 4844 | Hygrophorus psittacinus, in a 3 x 2 collective sheet with other $1.40 stamps. | |
St Vincent | 2001 | 4845 | Tricholomopsis rutilans, in a 3 x 2 collective sheet with other $1.40 stamps. | |
St Vincent | 2001 | 4846 | Hygrophorus coccineus, in a 3 x 2 collective sheet with other $1.40 stamps. | |
St Vincent | 2001 | 4847 | Collybia iocephala, in a 3 x 2 collective sheet with other $1.40 stamps. | |
St Vincent | 2001 | 4848 | Gyromitra esculenta, in a 3 x 2 collective sheet with other $1.40 stamps. | |
St Vincent | 2001 | 4849 | Lactarius peckii, in a 3 x 2 collective sheet with other $1.40 stamps. | VIEW |
St Vincent | 2001 | 4850 | Lactarius rufus, in a 3 x 2 collective sheet with other $1.40 stamps. | |
St Vincent | 2001 | 4851 | Cortinarius elatior, in a 3 x 2 collective sheet with other $1.40 stamps. | |
St Vincent | 2001 | 4852 | Boletus luridus, in a 3 x 2 collective sheet with other $1.40 stamps. | |
St Vincent | 2001 | 4853 | Russula cyanoxantha, in a 3 x 2 collective sheet with other $1.40 stamps. | |
St Vincent | 2001 | 4854 | Craterellus cornucopioides, in a 3 x 2 collective sheet with other $1.40 stamps. | |
St Vincent | 2001 | MS4856 | Minisheets, (a) 96 x 70 mm, $5 Cyathus olla [VIEW], (b) 70 x 96 mm, $5 Lycoperdon pyriforme (horiz) [VIEW], (c) 70 x 96 mm, $5 Pleurotus ostreatus (horiz) [VIEW]. | |
St Vincent | 2007 | 5614 | Clavulinopsis sp. | VIEW |
St Vincent | 2007 | 5615 | Cortinarius sp. | |
St Vincent | 2007 | 5616 | Cortinarius cf. | |
St Vincent | 2007 | 5617 | Conocybe spp | |
St Vincent | 2007 | MS5618 | Minisheet, 100 x 70 mm, $6 Galerina paludosa. | VIEW |
Suriname | 2010 | MS2847 | Collective sheet, of three different face values: SRD ", Amanita muscaria; SRD 5, Boletus edulis; SRD 8, Agaricus xanthoderma. | VIEW |
Swaziland | 1984 | 462 | Suillus bovinus | VIEW |
Swaziland | 1984 | 463 | Langermannia gigantea (vert) | |
Swaziland | 1984 | 464 | Trametes versicolor (Coriolus versicolor) (vert) | |
Swaziland | 1984 | 465 | Boletus edulis | |
Sweden | 1978 | 976 | Russula decolorans; all six stamps in the set as a sheet in a stamp book. | |
Sweden | 1978 | 977 | Lycoperdon perlatum, Common puff-ball; all six stamps in the set as a sheet in a stamp book. | |
Sweden | 1978 | 978 | Macrolepiota procera, Parasol mushroom; all six stamps in the set as a sheet in a stamp book. | |
Sweden | 1978 | 979 | Cantharellus cibarius, Chanterelle; all six stamps in the set as a sheet in a stamp book. | |
Sweden | 1978 | 980 | Boletus edulis, Cep; all six stamps in the set as a sheet in a stamp book. | |
Sweden | 1978 | 981 | Ramaria botrytis, Cauliflower clavaria; all six stamps in the set as a sheet in a stamp book. | |
Sweden | 1996 | 1878 | Boletus edulis, three mint stamps, plus first day maxicard | |
Sweden | 1996 | 1879 | Russula integra, in a collective sheet of all four 5-Kr stamps, plus stamp booklet, plus first day maxicard | |
Sweden | 1996 | 1880 | Cantherellus cibarius, Chanterelle; in a collective sheet of all four 5-Kr stamps, plus stamp booklet, plus first day maxicard | |
Sweden | 1996 | 1881 | Craterellus cornucopioides, Death trumpets; in a collective sheet of all four 5-Kr stamps, plus stamp booklet, plus first day maxicard | |
Sweden | 1996 | 1882 | Coprinus comatus, Shaggy ink caps; in a collective sheet of all four 5-Kr stamps, plus stamp booklet, plus first day maxicard | |
Sweden | 2004 | 2341 | Macrolepiota procera, yew berries and flowers; a set of four designs in the Forest Food series. Self-adhesive. In a ten-stamp booklet. |
Sweden | 2004 | 2342 | Tree stump, butterfly and berries; a set of four designs in the Forest Food series. Self-adhesive. In a ten-stamp booklet. | |
Sweden | 2004 | 2343 | Boletus edulis in a basket, with Cantharellus cibarius and Boletus in foreground; a set of four designs in the Forest Food series. Self-adhesive. In a ten-stamp booklet. | |
Sweden | 2004 | 2344 | Flowers, pond, berries and tree; a set of four designs in the Forest Food series. Self-adhesive. In a ten-stamp booklet. | |
Switzerland | 1994 | J329 | Christmas candles | VIEW |
Switzerland | 1994 | J330 | Lepista nuda, Wood blewit | |
Switzerland | 1994 | J331 | Leccinum sp., Red boletus | |
Switzerland | 1994 | J332 | Pholiota squarrosa, Shaggy pholiota | |
Switzerland | 1994 | J330 | Lepista nuda, Wood blewit; ten stamps in a 5 x 2 strip in a stamp booklet with gold foil cover. | VIEW |
Updated December 7, 2016