Fungi on Stamps: Afghanistan to British Virgin Islands

The most remarkable stamps in this section are the 3-dimensional set issued by Bhutan in 1973 [VIEW]. These stamps are laminated with ribbed prismatic plastic. The linear prisms create the appearance of parallax between the sharply focussed foreground (mushroom) image and the stamp’s background. The result is that the foreground image seems to hover some distance in front of the background. The effect is extremely dramatic but you have to see (and handle) them to appreciate it; unfortunately the effect does not survive digital scanning.

These stamps are not catalogued by Stanley Gibbons because the ‘purists’ doubt their classification as true ‘postage’ stamps and classify them as ‘speculatives’. These are ‘stamps’ produced more for sale to stamp collectors than for sale for postage. Several countries specialise in products like this and in this section it can be seen in 2007 and later issues from Benin. As we will see in later sections, the practice becomes tedious, particularly in countries situated around the Gulf of Guinea in Africa. Speculative stamps must represent a valuable source of hard currency and I can understand why ‘postage purists’ criticise the activity (but I still collect the things!). However, I think the Bhutan issues transcend the criticism because they compensate for the money-grasping attitude underlying the activity by being such fine examples of both the stamp-designer’s art and the printer’s high craft. In the same vein, Bhutan’s other stamp issues are fine illustrations, too; as you can see for yourself below.

On a different tack, a social observation you can make in this section concerns the effect of 25 years of civil-war on the value of a currency. The 1993 issue of stamps from Angola had face values from 300 to 1000 NKz (novo-kwanza)[VIEW]. In 1995 Angola introduced the kwanza-reajustado (KZr), setting the readjustment at 1 KZr = 1000 NKz. As you can see from the Angolan stamps issued in the year 2000 [VIEW], the cost of postage stamps was by then 3.5 million KZr. So in seven years the cost of posting a letter had increased by well over a million-fold. In the midst of a vicious civl-war, though, I suppose sending postal correspondence is the last thing on your to-do list.

Country of Issue
Year of Issue
SG catalogue number or custom number Description CLICK to see graphic
Afghanistan 1985 1028 Tricholomopsis rutilans, Type 460 VIEW
Afghanistan 1985 1029 Boletus miniatoporus
Afghanistan 1985 1030 Amanita rubescens
Afghanistan 1985 1031 Boletus (Leccinum) scaber
Afghanistan 1985 1032 Coprinus atramentarius, Common ink cap
Afghanistan 1985 1033 Hypholoma sp.
Afghanistan 1985 1034 Boletus (Leccinum) aurantiacus
Afghanistan 1985 1063 Green woodpecker, includes mushroom motif VIEW
Afghanistan 1996 DM1996 SEPARATES; AFS100, Suillus luteus; AFS300, Russula virescens; AFS400, Clitocybe inversa; AFS500, Volvariella bombycina; AFS600, Macrolepiota procera; AFS800, Cystoderma cinnabarinum. VIEW
Afghanistan 1996 DM1996 Minisheet, 70 x 95 mm, AFS4000, Lycoperdon umbrinum. VIEW
Afghanistan 1998 DM1998 SEPARATES; afs400, Gomphideus glutinosus; afs600, Collybia fusipes; afs800, Stropharia aeruginosa; afs1000, Craterellus cornucopoides; afs1200, Guepinia helvelloides; afs1500, Ixocomus elegans. VIEW
Afghanistan 1998 DM1998 Minisheet, 109 x 90 mm, afs4000, Cantharellus cibarius. VIEW
Afghanistan 1999 DM1999 SEPARATES; afs10000, Agaricus campestris; afs20000, Leucocoprinus bresadolae; afs30000, Kuehnermyces mutabilis; afs40000, Lactarius deterrimus; afs50000, Lepista nuda; afs60000, Coprinus comatus. VIEW
Afghanistan 1999 DM1999 Minisheet, 83 x 107 mm, afs150000, Anthurus archeri. VIEW
Aland Islands 2003 224 Cantherellus cibarius, chanterelle, on a first day maxi card VIEW
Aland Islands 2003 225 Boletus regius, on a first day maxi card
Aland Islands 2003 226 Macrolepiota procera, on a first day maxi card VIEW
Aland Islands 2003 224 Cantherellus cibarius, chanterelle VIEW
Aland Islands 2003 225 Boletus regius
Aland Islands 2003 226 Macrolepiota procera
Albania 1990 2450 Amanita caesarea [also on FDC]



Albania 1990 2451 Lepiota procera, Parasol mushroom [also on FDC]
Albania 1990 2452 Boletus edulis, Cep [also on FDC]
Albania 1990 2453 Clathrus cancelatus [also on FDC]
Algeria 1983 844 Amanita muscaria, Type 322 VIEW
Algeria 1983 845 Amanita phalloides, Death cap
Algeria 1983 846 Pleurotus eryngii
Algeria 1983 847 Terfezia leonis
Algeria 1989 1027 Boletus satanus, mint stamp plus IMPERFORATE specimen VIEW
Algeria 1989 1028 Psalliota xanthoderma, Yellow stainer, mint stamp plus IMPERFORATE specimen
Algeria 1989 1029 Lepiota procera, Parasol mushroom, mint stamp plus IMPERFORATE specimen
Algeria 1989 1030 Lactarius deliciosus, Saffron milk cap, mint stamp plus IMPERFORATE specimen
Andorra 1983 166 Lactarius sanguifluus VIEW
Andorra 1984 177 Morchella esculenta VIEW
Andorra 1985 183 Gyromitra esculenta VIEW
Andorra 1986 186 Marasmius oreades VIEW
Andorra 1987 195 Boletus edulis VIEW
Andorra 1990 217 Gomphidius rutilus VIEW
Andorra 1991 224 Macrolepiota procera VIEW
Andorra 1993 232 Cantharellus cibarius VIEW
Andorra 1994 240 Hygrophorus gliocyclus VIEW
Andorra 1996 247 Ramaria aurea VIEW
Andorra 1996 248 Tuber melanosporum, Black truffles
Andorra 2003 F633 Sparassis crispa VIEW
Angola 1993 1042 Calocybe gambosa (as Tricholoma georgii); one specimen mint stamp plus one as part of a collective strip in a stamp booklet.



VIEW strip


VIEW bklt
Angola 1993 1043 Amanita phalloides, Death cap; one specimen mint stamp plus one as part of a collective strip in a stamp booklet.
Angola 1993 1044 Amanita vaginata; one specimen mint stamp plus one as part of a collective strip in a stamp booklet.
Angola 1993 1045 Macrolepiota procera, Parasol mushroom; one specimen mint stamp plus one as part of a collective strip in a stamp booklet.
Angola 1998 DM1998 SEPARATES: 1.25 million KZr, Psalliota xanthoderma; 1.25 million KZr, Boletus luteus; 1.25 million KZr, Hygrocybe conica; 1.25 million KZr, Amanita caesarea; 1.25 million KZr, Coprinus comatus; 1.25 million KZr, Boletus chrysenteron. VIEW
Angola 1998 DM1998 Collective sheet, 160 x 100 mm, eight stamps, all one million KZr face value, all vert.; Morchella crassipes; Boletus rufescens, Amanita phalloides, Collybia iocephala, Tricholoma aurantyium, Cortinarius violaceus, Mycena polygramma, Psalliota augusta. VIEW
Angola 1998 DM1998 Minisheet, 98 x 69 mm, 250,000 KZr face value (vert.), Armillaria straminea. VIEW
Angola 1999 DM1999 Separates: 10,000KZr, Aleuria aurantia (PLUS one overprinted in gold 'Hobby Day 1999'); 25,000KZr, Mycena alcalina; 125,000KZr, Sarcodon imbricatum,  (PLUS one overprinted in gold 'Hobby Day 1999'); 250,000KZr, Stropharia aeruginosa (PLUS one overprinted in gold 'Hobby Day 1999'). VIEW
Angola 1999 1469 Amanita muscaria (wrongly inscr Aminita) VIEW
Angola 1999 1470 Boletus cereus, Bronze boletus
Angola 1999 1471 Coprinus comatus, Lawyer's wig
Angola 1999 1472 Amanita rubescens, The blusher (inscr Aminita)
Angola 1999 1473 Cortinarius collinitus, Slimy-branded cort.
Angola 1999 1474 Boletus satanas, Devil's boletus
Angola 1999 1475 Macrolepiota (Lepiota) procera, Parasol mushroom
Angola 1999 1476 Clitocybe geotropa, Trumpet agaric
Angola 1999 1485 Russula nigricans VIEW
Angola 1999 1486 Boletus granulatus, Granulated boletus
Angola 1999 1487 Mycena strobilinoides
Angola 1999 1488 Amanita caesarea, Caesar's mushroom
Angola 1999 1489 Amanita muscaria, Fly agaric
Angola 1999 1490 Boletus crocipodius
Angola 1999 1491 Russula virescens, Cracked green russula
Angola 1999 1492 Lactarius deliciosus, Saffron milk cap
Angola 1999 MS1500 Minisheets, 75 x 105 mm, (a) 5000000k. Mycena lilacifolia [VIEW]; (b) 5000000k. Psalliota haemorrhoidaria [VIEW]. Set of two sheets.
Angola 2000 DM2000 Two collective sheets, 105 x 122, each with six stamps, all 3.5 million KZr face value, all horiz. (a) Agaricus silvicola, Collybia fusipes, Amanita aspersa, Agaricus xanthodermus, Coprinus comatus, Amanita rubescens [VIEW]; (b) Hygrocybe punicea, Amanita phalloides, Amanita spissa, Gallerina pumila, Coprinus lagopus, Agaricus augustus [VIEW].
Angola 2000 DM2000 Minisheets, 78 x 120 mm, single stamp on each sheet, all 3.5 million KZr face value; (a) Coprinus plicatilis, two versions of this sheet, one perforate [VIEW], one imperforate [VIEW]; (b) Hygrocybe psittacina [VIEW].
Angola (Cabinda overprints) 2006 DM2006 Separates: Angolan stamps from 1999 issue issued in 2006 by an exclave and province of Angola called Cabinda. All overprinted in blue 'CABINDA' with face value corrected to 'CAF500'. Aleuria aurantia, Mycena alcalina, Sarcodon imbricatum, Stropharia aeruginosa. VIEW
Antigua 1986 1042 Hygrocybe occidentalis VIEW
Antigua 1986 1043 Trogia buccinalis
Antigua 1986 1044 Collybia subpruinosa
Antigua 1986 1045 Leucocoprinus brebissonii
Antigua 1986 MS1046 102x82 mm. $5 Pyrrhoglossum pyrrhum minisheet VIEW
Antigua 1986 1042 Hygrocybe occidentalis (overprinted 'Barbuda Mail') VIEW
Antigua 1986 1043 Trogia buccinalis (overprinted 'Barbuda Mail')
Antigua 1986 1044 Collybia subpruinosa (overprinted 'Barbuda Mail')
Antigua 1986 1045 Leucocoprinus brebissonii (overprinted 'Barbuda Mail')
Antigua 1986 MS1046 102x82 mm. $5 Pyrrhoglossum pyrrhum minisheet (overprinted 'Barbuda Mail') VIEW
Antigua 1989 1313 Mycena pura VIEW
Antigua 1989 1314 Psathyrella tuberculata (vert)
Antigua 1989 1315 Psilocybe cubensis
Antigua 1989 1316 Leptonia caeruleocapitata (vert)
Antigua 1989 1317 Xeromphalina tenuipes (vert)
Antigua 1989 1318 Chlorophyllum molybdites (vert)
Antigua 1989 1319 Marasmius haematocephalus
Antigua 1989 1320 Cantharellus cinnabarinus
Antigua 1989 MS1321 Two sheets, each 88x62 mm. (a) $6 Leucopaxillus gracillimus (vert) [VIEW]; (b) $6 Volvariella volvacea [VIEW].
Antigua 1992 1645 Amanita caesarea VIEW
Antigua 1992 1646 Collybia fusipes
Antigua 1992 1647 Boletus aereus
Antigua 1992 1648 Laccaria amethystina
Antigua 1992 1649 Russula virescens
Antigua 1992 1650 Tricholoma equestre (as Tricholoma auratum)
Antigua 1992 1651 Calocybe gambosa
Antigua 1992 1652 Lentinus tigrinus (Panus tigrinus)
Antigua 1992 MS1653 Two minisheets, each 100 x 70 mm. (a) $6 Clavariadelphus truncatus [VIEW]. (b) $6 Auricularia auricula-judae [VIEW].
Antigua 1996 2274 Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca, plus another set overprinted 'Barbuda Mail' issued in 1997.


VIEW ovpts

Antigua 1996 2275 Hygrophorus bakerensis, plus another set overprinted 'Barbuda Mail' issued in 1997.
Antigua 1996 2276 Hygrophorus conicus, plus another set overprinted 'Barbuda Mail' issued in 1997.
Antigua 1996 2277 Hygrophorus miniatus (Hygrocybe miniata), plus another set overprinted 'Barbuda Mail' issued in 1997.
Antigua 1996 2278 Suillus brevipes, plus another set overprinted 'Barbuda Mail' issued in 1997.


VIEW ovpts

Antigua 1996 2279 Suillus luteus, plus another set overprinted 'Barbuda Mail' issued in 1997.
Antigua 1996 2280 Suillus granulatus, plus another set overprinted 'Barbuda Mail' issued in 1997.
Antigua 1996 2281 Suillus caerulescens, plus another set overprinted 'Barbuda Mail' issued in 1997.
Antigua 1996 MS2282 Two minisheets, plus sheets overprinted 'Barbuda Mail' issued in 1997, each 105 x 75 mm. (a) $6 Conocybe filaris [VIEW] [VIEW ovpts], (b) $6 Hygrocybe flavescens [VIEW] [VIEW ovpts].
Antigua 1997 2489 Marasmius rotula, overprinted 'Barbuda Mail' issued in 1999. VIEW
Antigua 1997 2490 Cantharellus cibarius,overprinted 'Barbuda Mail' issued in 1999.
Antigua 1997 2491 Lepiota cristata, overprinted 'Barbuda Mail' issued in 1999.
Antigua 1997 2492 Auricularia mesenteric, overprinted 'Barbuda Mail' issued in 1999.
Antigua 1997 2493 Pholiota alnicola, overprinted 'Barbuda Mail' issued in 1999.
Antigua 1997 2494 Leccinum aurantiacum, overprinted 'Barbuda Mail' issued in 1999.
Antigua 1997 2495 Entoloma serrulatum, overprinted 'Barbuda Mail' issued in 1999. VIEW
Antigua 1997 2496 Panaeolus sphinctrinus, overprinted 'Barbuda Mail' issued in 1999.
Antigua 1997 2497 Volvariella bombycina, overprinted 'Barbuda Mail' issued in 1999.
Antigua 1997 2498 Conocybe percincta, overprinted 'Barbuda Mail' issued in 1999.
Antigua 1997 2499 Pluteus cervinus, overprinted 'Barbuda Mail' issued in 1999.
Antigua 1997 2500 Russula foetens, overprinted 'Barbuda Mail' issued in 1999.
Antigua 1997 MS2501 Minisheets, overprinted 'Barbuda Mail' issued in 1999, 106 x 76 mm. (a) $6 Amanita cothurnata [VIEW ovpts], (b) $6 Panellus serotinus [VIEW ovpts].
Antigua 2001 3288 Entoloma serrulatum VIEW
Antigua 2001 3289 Morchella esculenta, Common morel
Antigua 2001 3290 Clathrus ruber, Red cage fungus
Antigua 2001 3303 Pluteus cervinus, Common fawn agaric (as Fawn Shield-Cap)
Antigua 2001 3291 Clitocybe olearia, Copper trumpet VIEW
Antigua 2001 3292 Agaricus campestris (as camestris), Field mushroom (as Meadow Mushroom)
Antigua 2001 3293 Chlorophyllum molybdites, Green gill (as Green-gilled Parasol)
Antigua 2001 3294 Amanita patherina, The panther
Antigua 2001 3295 Amanita phalloides, Death cap
Antigua 2001 3296 Boletus edulis, Royal boletus (as King Bolete)
Antigua 2001 3297 Mycena pura, Lilac fairy helmet (as Lilac Bonnet) VIEW
Antigua 2001 3298 Volvariella bombycina, Silky volvar
Antigua 2001 3299 Agrocybe cylindracea (Poplar Field Cap)
Antigua 2001 3300 Calocybe gambosa, Saint George's mushroom
Antigua 2001 3301 Collybia erythropus, Red-stemmed tough shank
Antigua 2001 3302 Amanita muscaria, Fly agaric
Antigua 2001 MS3304 Minisheets, 70 x 90 mm, (a) $6 Leucocoprinus luteus, Yellow parasol [VIEW], (b) $6 Lactarius necator, Mutagen milk cap [VIEW].
Antigua 2007 MS4084 Collective sheet, 131 x 108 mm, four $2 face value stamps featuring Cantharellus cibarius, Auricularia auricula-judae; Mycena acicula and Peziza vesiculosa. Abortiporus biennis features in the background of the sheet. VIEW
Antigua 2007 MS4085 Minisheet, 100 x 70 mm, $6 Pleurotus djamor (with Ganoderma sp. in the sheet background). VIEW
Antigua 2011 DM2011 Collective sheet, 170 x 100, with six $2 stamps (all vert) showing:Tylopilus potamogeton, Amanita campinaranae, Cantharellus atratus, Tylopilus orsonianus, Boletellus ananas, and Amanita craseoderma. VIEW
Antigua 2011 DM2011 Minisheet, 100 x 70 mm, $6 face value showing Austroboletus festivus VIEW
Antigua & Barbuda 1993 1407 Amanita caesarea VIEW
Antigua & Barbuda 1993 1408 Collybia fusipes
Antigua & Barbuda 1993 1409 Boletus aereus
Antigua & Barbuda 1993 1410 Laccaria amethystina
Antigua & Barbuda 1993 1411 Russula virescens
Antigua & Barbuda 1993 1412 Tricholoma equestre (Tricholoma auratum)
Antigua & Barbuda 1993 1413 Calocybe gambosa
Antigua & Barbuda 1993 1414 Lentinus tigrinus (Panus tigrinus)
Antigua & Barbuda 1993 MS1415 Two minisheets, each 100 x 70 mm. (a) $6 Clavariadelphus truncatus [VIEW]. (b) $6 Auricularia auricula-judae [VIEW].
Argentine Republic 1992 2279 Psilocybe cubensis VIEW
Argentine Republic 1992 2280 Coprinus atramentarius, Common ink cap
Argentine Republic 1992 2281 Psilocybe cubensis (different face value)
Argentine Republic 1992 2282 Coprinus atramentarius, Common ink cap  (different face value)
Argentine Republic 1992 2283 Suillus granulatus, Granulated boletus
Argentine Republic 1992 2284 Morchella esculenta, Common morel
Argentine Republic 1992 2285 Amanita muscaria, Fly agaric
Argentine Republic 1992 2286 Coprinus comatus, Lawyer's wig
Argentine Republic 1992 2289 Amanita muscaria, Fly agaric (different face value)
Argentine Republic 1992 2290 Suillus granulatus (different face value)
Argentine Republic 1992 2293 Morchella esculenta, Common morel (different face value)
Argentine Republic 1994 2365 Psilocybe cubensis VIEW
Argentine Republic 1994 2366 Coprinus atramentarius, Common ink cap
Argentine Republic 1994 2369 Suillus granulatus, Granulated boletus
Argentine Republic 1994 2374 Amanita muscaria
Argentine Republic 1994 2377 Morchella esculenta, Common morel
Argentine Republic 1994 DM1994 Amanita muscaria, Fly agaric; preprinted onto a postcard celebrating the Armenia-Argentine Philatelic Exhibition ARAFEX '94. VIEW
Ascension 1983 332 Marasmius thwaitesii VIEW
Ascension 1983 333 Chlorophyllum molybdites
Ascension 1983 334 Leucocoprinus cepaestripes
Ascension 1983 335 Lycoperdon marginatum
Ascension 1983 336 Marasmiellus distantifolius
Australia 1981 823 Cortinarius cinnabarinus VIEW
Australia 1981 824 Coprinus comatus
Australia 1981 825 Armillaria luteobubalina
Australia 1981 826 Cortinarius austro-venetus
Australia (Christmas Island) 1984 185 Leucocoprinus fragilissimus VIEW
Australia (Christmas Island) 1984 186 Microporus xanthopus
Australia (Christmas Island) 1984 187 Hydropus anthidepes (as Trogia anthidepas)
Australia (Christmas Island) 1984 188 Haddowia longipes
Australia (Christmas Island) 1984 189 Phillipsia domingensis
Australia (Christmas Island) 2001 490 Chaetocalathus semisupinus VIEW
Australia (Christmas Island) 2001 491 Pycnoporus sanguineus
Azerbaijan 1995 256 Gymnopilus spectabilis VIEW
Azerbaijan 1995 257 Amanita muscaria, Fly agaric
Azerbaijan 1995 258 Macrolepiota (Lepiota) procera, Parasol mushroom
Azerbaijan 1995 259 Hygrophorus spectosus
Azerbaijan 1995 MS260 Minisheet, 110 x 80 mm. 500m. Amanita muscaria, Fly agaric the stamp a 42 x 29 mm section of a complete woodland scene. VIEW
Belarus 1998 315 Morchella esculenta VIEW
Belarus 1998 316 Morchella conica
Belarus 1998 317 Macrolepiota rhacodes, Shaggy parasol
Belarus 1998 318 Macrolepiota procera, Parasol mushroom
Belarus 1998 319 Coprinus comatus, Shaggy ink cap
Belarus 1999 358 Flamullina velutipes VIEW
Belarus 1999 359 Kuehneromyces mutabilis, Changeable agaric
Belarus 1999 360 Lyophyllum connatum
Belarus 1999 361 Lyophyllum decastes
Belarus 1999 MS362 Two (attached) minisheets, 97 x 79 mm, 150000r. Armillariella mellea, Boot-lace fungus VIEW
Belarus 2008 741 Cantharellus cibarius, nine stamps in a 2 x 5 sheet with the tenth section as a photographic label. VIEW
Belarus 2008 742 Boletus edulis, nine stamps in a 2 x 5 sheet with the tenth section as a photographic label. VIEW
Belarus 2010 828 Clavariadelphus pistillaris VIEW
Belarus 2010 829 Langermannia gigantea
Belarus 2010 830 Hericium coralloides
Belarus 2010 831 Sparassis laminosa
Belarus 2010 832 Polyporus umbellatus
Belgium 1991 3067 Amanita phalloides VIEW
Belgium 1991 3068 Amanita rubescens, The Blusher (inscr "Golmotte")
Belgium 1991 3069 Boletus miniatoporus, Flaky-stemmed witches' mushroom (inscr "Bolet a pied rouge")
Belgium 1991 3070 Hygrocybe persistens (inscr Hygrophore jaune conique). One set of four stamps in a mint strip; another set of four in a stamp book [VIEW] with mushroom-decorated  cover [VIEW cover].
Belgium 2004 MS3857 Collective sheet for Forest Week. Sheet 90 x 125 mm containing 4 x 44 c stamps, making up a mosaic image (a) squirrel and bird; (b) Nightingale, robin and red admiral butterfly; (c) Bee, vole alongside Boletus edulis and weasel (jumping from next stamp); (d) Jay and peacock butterfly. VIEW
Belize 1986 962 Amanita lilloi two samples of each stamp in the 4-stamp series in a 3x3 minisheet dedicated to the Belize Audubon Society VIEW
Belize 1986 964 Boletellus cubensis two samples of each stamp in the 4-stamp series in a 3x3 minisheet dedicated to the Belize Audubon Society
Belize 1986 966 Psilocybe caerulescens two samples of each stamp in the 4-stamp series in a 3x3 minisheet dedicated to the Belize Audubon Society
Belize 1986 969 Russula puiggarii two samples of each stamp in the 4-stamp series in a 3x3 minisheet dedicated to the Belize Audubon Society
Benin 1985 992 Boletus edulis VIEW
Benin 1996 1432 Stropharia cubensis VIEW
Benin 1996 1433 Psilocybe zapotecorum
Benin 1996 1434 Psilocybe mexicana
Benin 1996 1435 Conocybe siligineoides
Benin 1996 1436 Psilocybe caerulescens mazatecorum
Benin 1996 1437 Psilocybe caerulescens nigripes
Benin 1996 MS1438 Minisheet, 93 x 71 mm, 1000f. Psilocybe aztecorum (the stamp is a 39 x 31 mm section of the overall sheet image of 'Champingnons') VIEW
Benin 1997 1684 Amanita caesarea VIEW
Benin 1997 1685 Cortinarius colinitus, Slimy-banded cortinarius
Benin 1997 1686 Amanita bisporigera
Benin 1997 1687 Amanita rubescens, The blusher
Benin 1997 1688 Russula virescens
Benin 1997 1689 Amanita inaurata, Strangulated amanita
Benin 1997 MS1690 Minisheet, 90 x 110 mm. 1000f. Amanita muscaria, Fly agaric (31 x 37 mm section of a larger sheet image of correctly-spelled 'Champignons') VIEW
Benin 1998 1698 Tephrocybe carbonara VIEW
Benin 1998 1699 Suillus luteus, Butter mushroom
Benin 1998 1700 Pleurotus ostreatus, Oyster fungus
Benin 1998 1701 Hohenbuehelia geogenia
Benin 1998 1702 Tylopilus felleus, Bitter bolete
Benin 1998 1703 Lepiota leucothites
Benin 1998 MS1704 Minisheet, 108 x 90 mm. 1000f. Gymnoplius junonius VIEW
Benin 2002 DM2002 Collective sheet, 140 x 195 mm, nine stamps (3 x 3): 100F, Amanita muscaria; 150F, Agaricus campestris; Morchella esculenta; 250F, Morchella elata; 300F, unidentified; 350F, Amanita sp.; 400F, Amanita sp.; 450F, unidentified; 500F, unidentified. TWO versions of the sheet, one of them unperforated [VIEW]. VIEW
Benin 2003 DM2003 Souvenir sheet, 147 x 200 mm, nine different stamps of 100 FCFA face value, in a series that features BIRDS, though all stamps have a mushroom occupying the bottom left quarter of the stamp. Neither bird nor mushroom are identified. VIEW
Benin 2003 DM2003 Minisheet, 100 x 140, in a series that features BIRDS, single stamp, 5000 FCFA face value, with a mushroom occupying the bottom left quarter of the stamp. Neither bird nor mushroom are identified, but the bird and mushroom theme is applied to the minisheet background. VIEW
Benin 2006 DM2006 Three minisheets, 108 x 142 mm, each with a stamp showing a butterfly [VIEW], wasp [VIEW] and/or flower [VIEW] in the 'Nature of Africa' series, but the background of the sheet is a fine illustration of a mushroom.
Benin 2007 DM2007 Collective sheet, 117 x 108 mm, six stamps (3 x 2), three of which show owls: 500F, Collybia butyracea; 300F, Clitocybe nebularis; 700F, Hygrophorus psittacinus. PLUS a minisheet 86 x 98 mm, with a single 1000F stamp, Boletus edulis [VIEW]. VIEW
Benin 2008 DM2008 Minisheets, 86 x 70 mm, each with two stamps from the 'Mushrooms and Orchids' series, mushroom stamps are 300F face value, orchids 500F: (a) Amanita muscaria [VIEW], (b) unidentified bolete [VIEW], (c) Amanita pantherina [VIEW].
Benin 2009 DM2009 Mushrooms and butterflies series; separates, eight stamps, all 500F face value, four mushrooms and four butterflies (none identified) [VIEW]; PLUS two collective sheets each showing 2 of the mushroom and 2 of the butterfly stamps [VIEW], PLUS a set of eight minisheets, each with one of the stamps [VIEW 2 mushrooms] [VIEW 2 mushrooms] [VIEW 2 butterflies] [VIEW 2 butterflies].
Benin 2011 DM2011 Souvenir sheet, 132 x 120 mm, with four stamps, all 500F face value, all horiz.: Boletus edulis, Amanita pantherina, Amanita muscaria, Coriolus versicolor. VIEW
Bhutan 1973 DM1973 Amanita caesarea, 15 chetrum, 3D stamp VIEW
Bhutan 1973 DM1973 Boletus pinicola, 25 chetrum, 3D stamp
Bhutan 1973 DM1973 Clitocybe geotropa, 7 ngultrum, 3D stampwith Air Mail overprint 
Bhutan 1973 DM1973 Cortinarius praestans, 6 ngultrum, 3D stamp with Air Mail overprint
Bhutan 1973 DM1973 Lepiota procera, 3 ngultrum, 3D stamp
Bhutan 1973 DM1973 Amanita muscaria, 30 cheltrum, 3D stamp
Bhutan 1973 DM1973 3D Minisheet of two stamps, featuring Cortinarius praestans (6 ngultrum) and Clitocybe geotropa (7 nu) with Air Mail overprint. VIEW
Bhutan 1973 DM1973 3D minisheet of four stamps, featuring 3 nu (Lepiota procera), 15 ch (Amanita caesarea), 25 ch (Boletus pinicola), and 30 ch (Amanita muscaria) stamps. VIEW
Bhutan 1989 785 Tricholoma pardalotum VIEW
Bhutan 1989 786 Suillus placidus
Bhutan 1989 787 Boletus regius
Bhutan 1989 788 Gomphidius glutinosus
Bhutan 1989 789 Boletus calopus
Bhutan 1989 790 Suillus grevillei
Bhutan 1989 791 Boletus appendiculatus
Bhutan 1989 792 Lactarius torminosus, Griping toadstool
Bhutan 1989 793 Macrolepiota rhacodes
Bhutan 1989 794 Amanita rubescens, The blusher
Bhutan 1989 795 Amanita phalloides, Death cap
Bhutan 1989 796 Amanita citrina, False death cap
Bhutan 1989 MS797 12 sheets, each 97 x 68 mm. all 25 nu value; Gyroporus cyanescens, Paxillus involutus, Boletus rhodoxanthus [VIEW], Gyroporus castaneus, Lepista saeva, Cantharellus cibarius [VIEW], Lepista nuda, Xerocomus subtomentosum, Russula olivacea [VIEW], Dentinum repandum, Russula aurata, Hydnum imbricatum [VIEW].
Bhutan 1999 DM1999 Collective sheet 'Mushrooms of Bhutan', 133 x 151 mm, six stamps (2 x 3) all 25 Nu face vale, all horiz.: Russula integra, Hygrophorus marxuolus, Tricholoma fulvum, Hypholoma fasciculare, Tricholoma populinum, Cortinarius orellanus. VIEW
Bhutan 1999 DM1999 Minisheet 'Mushrooms of Bhutan', 100 x 98 mm, 90 Nu face value, horiz., Clathrus archeri. VIEW
Bhutan 1999 1529 Mutinus elegans. In a 3 x 2 collective sheet with other 20 nu stamps depicting 'Mushrooms of the World'. VIEW
Bhutan 1999 1530 Pholiota squarrosoides. In a 3 x 2 collective sheet with other 20 nu stamps depicting 'Mushrooms of the World'.
Bhutan 1999 1531 Coprinus quadrifidus, Scaly inky cap. In a 3 x 2 collective sheet with other 20 nu stamps depicting 'Mushrooms of the World'.
Bhutan 1999 1532 Clavulinopsis fusiformis, Golden spindles. In a 3 x 2 collective sheet with other 20 nu stamps depicting 'Mushrooms of the World'.
Bhutan 1999 1533 Spathularia velutipes. In a 3 x 2 collective sheet with other 20 nu stamps depicting 'Mushrooms of the World'.
Bhutan 1999 1534 Ganoderma lucidum. In a 3 x 2 collective sheet with other 20 nu stamps depicting 'Mushrooms of the World'.
Bhutan 1999 1535 Microglossum rufum. In a 3 x 2 collective sheet with other 20 nu stamps depicting 'Mushrooms of the World'. VIEW
Bhutan 1999 1536 Lactarius hygrophoroides. In a 3 x 2 collective sheet with other 20 nu stamps depicting 'Mushrooms of the World'.
Bhutan 1999 1537 Lactarius speciosus complex. In a 3 x 2 collective sheet with other 20 nu stamps depicting 'Mushrooms of the World'.
Bhutan 1999 1538 Calostoma cinnabarina. In a 3 x 2 collective sheet with other 20 nu stamps depicting 'Mushrooms of the World'.
Bhutan 1999 1539 Clitocybe clavipes. In a 3 x 2 collective sheet with other 20 nu stamps depicting 'Mushrooms of the World'.
Bhutan 1999 1540 Microstoma floccosa. In a 3 x 2 collective sheet with other 20 nu stamps depicting 'Mushrooms of the World'.
Bhutan 1999 1541 Boletus frostii, Frost's bolete. In a 3 x 2 collective sheet with other 20 nu stamps depicting 'Mushrooms of the World'. VIEW
Bhutan 1999 1542 Morchella esculenta (wrongly inscr estculenta), Common morel. In a 3 x 2 collective sheet with other 20 nu stamps.
Bhutan 1999 1543 Hypomyces lactifuorum. In a 3 x 2 collective sheet with other 20 nu stamps depicting 'Mushrooms of the World'.
Bhutan 1999 1544 Polyporus auricularius. In a 3 x 2 collective sheet with other 20 nu stamps depicting 'Mushrooms of the World'.
Bhutan 1999 1545 Cantharellus lateritius. In a 3 x 2 collective sheet with other 20 nu stamps depicting 'Mushrooms of the World'.
Bhutan 1999 1546 Volvariella pusilla. In a 3 x 2 collective sheet with other 20 nu stamps depicting 'Mushrooms of the World'.
Bhutan 1999 MS1547 Minisheets, 78 x 118 mm, (a) 100n. Pholiota aurivella [VIEW]; (b) 100n. Ramaria grandis [VIEW]; (c) 100n. Oudemansiella lucidum [VIEW].
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1998 585 Morchella esculenta VIEW
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1998 586 Cantharellus cibarius, Chanterelle
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1998 587 Boletus edulis, Edible mushroom
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1998 588 Amanita caesarea, Caesar's mushroom
Botswana 1982 533 Coprinus comatus VIEW
Botswana 1982 534 Lactarius deliciosus
Botswana 1982 535 Amanita pantherina
Botswana 1982 536 Boletus edulis
Botswana 2007 1070 Chlorophyllum molybdites, false parasol VIEW
Botswana 2007 1071 Phlebopus sudanicus (bushveld bolete)
Botswana 2007 1072 Ganoderma lucidum (laquered bracket fungus)
Botswana 2007 1073 Geastrum triplex (collared earthstar)
Brazil 1984 2106 Pycnoporus sanguineus VIEW
Brazil 1984 2107 Calvatia sp.
Brazil 1984 2108 Pleurotus sp. (horiz)
Brazil 1995 2727 Mushrooms at the base of a tree VIEW
Brazil 1995 2728 Black-necked swans on lake
British Indian Ocean Territory 2009 427 Lentinus sp. VIEW
British Indian Ocean Territory 2009 428 Entoloma sp.
British Indian Ocean Territory 2009 429 Leucocoprinus sp.
British Indian Ocean Territory 2009 430 Pycnoporus sp.
British Virgin Islands 1992 808 Agaricus bisporus VIEW
British Virgin Islands 1992 809 Lentinula (as Lentinus) edodes (horiz)
British Virgin Islands 1992 810 Hygocybe acutoconica
British Virgin Islands 1992 811 Gymnopilus chrysopellus (horiz)
British Virgin Islands 1992 MS812 Minisheet, 94 x 68 mm. $2 Pleurotus ostreatus (horiz). Stamp is a 28 x 42 mm section of the larger minisheet image of P. ostreatus. VIEW

Updated December 7, 2016