Evaluation comments
I enjoyed the session very much, both as a demonstrator and as a
participant. I felt that the ... sessions ... encouraged the
students’ learning via different methods - from teaching to stealth
science. Bringing the shopping bag full of fungi was particularly
good as it encouraged the students to look at fungi as something
that we come across every day [postgraduate helper in Life
At the start of the sessions the pupils were asked to complete a
quick questionnaire regarding fungi. After much deliberation and
‘colluding’ it transpired that most knew none – or very few of the
answers. However, after an extremely enjoyable two hours for
everyone (including myself) all of the pupils could answer most, if
not all, of the questions ... Overall - an extremely interesting and
enjoyable experience [helper - 2nd year undergraduate in Honours
Many many thanks again for your excellent sessions last week – I
really enjoyed the Friday one and felt the pupils did as well. It
was really good to see them really engaged throughout the full 2
hours – and having such a wide range of stimulating and entertaining
activities to do. Spot on! [Widening Participation Officer - Faculty
of Engineering & Physical Sciences].
The Funky Fungi sessions were a very enjoyable experience, both for
me as a demonstrator and for the pupils involved. It was great to see
children getting excited about science - even if that just involved
tasting ‘disgusting’ mushrooms and cheeses! The hands-on work was a
fun way for the pupils to learn about a field of science new to them
and the adaptability of the sessions meant that it was easy to keep
them interested in the materials ... [helper - 3rd year undergraduate
in Honours Zoology].
Firstly, I would just like to say how much I enjoyed the two
sessions. From a personal point of view, they were really productive
and I learnt a lot from them with regards to the methods of teaching.
I thought that the session was extremely well designed and the
students really did seem not just to enjoy it but to actually learn
something ... [helper - 3rd year undergraduate in Honours
The British Mycological Society, BBSRC and Research Councils UK are
thanked for their sponsorship of the events on which the material on
this page is based.
Thanks are also due for the contributions made by undergraduate
project students in 2005 and 2006 (Nicole Benjamin, Kelly Fryer,
Jennifer A. Heath, Kate Maull, Charlotte Quinn, Stephanie Roberts,
Rohanne Thompson, and Ruth Townley) and postgraduate helpers Julie
Huxley-Jones, Mike Littlefair and Tom Westgate.
Sincere thanks, also, to Liz Moore, Liz Holden, Margaret
Whalley, Louise Sutherland, Vicky Caldwell, Barbara Grundy and Karen
Bolshaw for their help in devising, delivering and describing the
teaching resources.
National Science
Week 2005 sponsored by:

A workshop, training exercise or demonstration for GCSE pupils
to promote awareness and understanding of fungi
This page outlines a set of activities that have
been offered to parties of school children (numbering from 15 to 40)
in years 8-10 during National Science Week 2005 and 2006 and at
similar events in the local museum and colleges. Feedback has been
extremely positive, and that applies both to feedback from pupils of
all ages, their teachers and the helpers (some comments are shown
alongside). We were aware during the events that they were being well
received by the audience, and subsequent contacts suggested that the
primary objectives were being met because much greater awareness (and
much more sympathetic awareness) of fungi and their contribution to
daily life was being shown after the events by children and adults
Facilities required
We’ve generally dealt with school parties
numbering from 15 to 40 and have used both seminar rooms and
laboratories. The final activity is a card game, so this governs the
layout of the room – it’s useful to have the audience arranged around
tables or benches of 4 to 5 pupils.
All of the documentation required for the
workshop, and that includes teacher guidance notes and pupil
class-sheets, can be downloaded from this website using the hyperlinks in
the Table below.
Resources |
Opening quiz |
CLICK HERE to download PDF |
What's your favourite fungus? Recommended collection of small
group research stories |
CLICK HERE to download PDF |
What are fungi? PowerPoint presentation. We suggest you SAVE the
PPT file to your disk rather than opening in your browser |
CLICK HERE to download PPT file |
Supermarket Challenge poster (large file) |
CLICK HERE to download PDF |
Supermarket Challenge explanatory text |
to download PDF
CLICK HERE to download Word.DOC |
Thank Fungus for That! poster |
CLICK HERE to download PDF |
Thank Fungus for That! explanatory text |
CLICK HERE to download PDF
CLICK HERE to download Word.DOC |
Mushroom Structure activity class-sheet |
CLICK HERE to download PDF |
Mushroom Structure teacher's guide |
CLICK HERE to download PDF |
Favourite Fungus card game |
CLICK HERE to visit the Key Stages for Fungi section to view
the card game templates |
Final quiz |
CLICK HERE to download PDF |
Administrative Resources |
Presenter's guide |
CLICK HERE to download PDF |
Risk assessment |
CLICK HERE to download PDF |
Additional Resources |
Name Game activity |
CLICK HERE to download PDF |
A Day in Your Life PowerPoint presentation. This is an
alternative, cartoon-based presentation. We suggest you SAVE the
PPT file to your disk rather than opening in your browser |
CLICK HERE to download PPT file |
A Day in Your Life; a set of teacher's notes relating to the
PowerPoint presentation. |
CLICK HERE to download PDF |
Wordsearches - a compendium of six different games |
CLICK HERE to download PDF |
Solutions to wordsearches - a compendium of six solutions |
CLICK HERE to download PDF |
Other materials
Demonstration materials can be bought from
supermarkets using the items illustrated in the Supermarket Challenge
(FF25) poster as your shopping list. It is often easy to obtain a
range of cultivated mushrooms (button and closed cup mushrooms to
compare with open flats or ‘Portabellos’, chestnuts to compare with
whites). Most supermarkets can usually illustrate biodiversity even
further with oyster and shiitake mushrooms, and there is increasing
availability of so-called ‘exotic’ mushrooms, so it is usually
possible to provide the class with five or six different edible
mushrooms. Don’t ignore dried mushrooms; again most supermarkets stock
dried porcini, wild forest mushrooms, cloud ears, and often several
more. All can contribute to discussion of fungal biodiversity.
A good supply of cheeses are well received by
pupils (particularly if they are given the opportunity to sample them)
and a selection of blue cheeses, brie and camembert can enliven the
demonstration and contribute to discussion of the involvement of fungi
in production of a major food resource. The explanatory descriptions
that accompany the Supermarket Challenge poster include a number of
anecdotes about the importance of fungi in developing the flavour of
chocolate, in making fizzy drinks, soy sauce, Marmite, Quorn products
alongside the obvious bread and alcoholic beverages. All of these can
be used to make very interesting points that are relevant to the
Dissection of the mushrooms can be done quite
successfully with disposable picnic ware (plastic knives and forks,
paper plates and napkins) from the supermarket. And don’t forget a
supply of refuse sacks for the clean-up.
It’s also useful to have enough helpers for one
helper to ‘adopt’ each table and act a guide or provocateur as
appropriate. Helpers can be recruited from amongst older pupils, so
that helping in the sessions contributes to the helpers’ own
education. In the university/college environment we use undergraduate
and postgraduate helpers, many of whom are engaged on educational
projects to which the workshop experience contributes. It is very
satisfying to observe undergraduate student abilities develop towards
accomplished and polished performances as teachers in the Science Week
sessions in mid-March.
The programme described above is that developed
for a two-hour session but it can be adapted to suit a variety of
circumstances and timetable slots. Indeed, there is such a range of
resources available on the fungi4schools website that it is possible
to modify the materials and content to suit a variety of curricula
purposes. We would also emphasise the value of maintaining flexibility
in each session, modifying each to satisfy their audiences. In
addition, in the university context, it is worth mentioning the
unqualified success of incorporating the sessions into undergraduate
project assignments is greatly encouraging and amplifies the
educational value of the project by expanding its coverage from school
year 7 through to undergraduate year 3.
Copy freely for the classroom
National Science
Week sessions sponsored by: |

© British Mycological Society 2006
This webpage © David Moore 2016
December 2016
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return to the Home Page |
The sequence of
Welcome: always important and allows mention/emphasis on the
underlying agenda which, in our case, is to cultivate interest in
science - any science!
Quiz: we normally start with a paper quiz aimed at
establishing initial understanding.
Favourite Fungus Stories: each table is issued with a
different one-page account of what is hopefully an interesting and
relevant Favourite Fungus Story. The language of these is deliberately
aimed to be just slightly more demanding than GCSE level (to present a
gentle challenge) so younger pupils may need more direction, either
clear questions to answer from the text or a more journalistic style
of text. The documentation can be downloaded from the
Fungi section' of this website as word-processor files the user can modify
easily. Each table-group is asked to extract ‘key points’ from their story
and then nominate a spokesperson to tell the rest of the group the
important features of their story. Each table gets a small prize for
successfully completing the task. Sheets coded FF02, FF03, FF04, FF07,
FF09, FF10, FF12, and FF13 are usually used (because theses themes
reappear on the playing cards). This activity consequently flows from
small group research towards a plenary.
PowerPoint presentation: 8 informative slides entitled What
are Fungi? to draw all the
threads together. This can be usefully illustrated using the material
in the Supermarket Challenge (FF25) and Thank Fungus for That (FF26)
posters using products bought in from local supermarkets with the
posters as take-away leaflets. It is necessary to have a
presentation/mini-lecture but it must be kept brief to avoid audience
boredom (real or imagined). Having the food products to ‘show and
tell’ can help and an alternative approach is to give the pupils boxes
of food labels and get them to sort them into groups that do or do not
depend on fungi for their manufacture. Also, you might like to try the
alternative, cartoon-based presentation offered in the adjoining
‘Mushroom Chop-up’ activity: pupils are provided with
shop-bought mushrooms plus picnic cutlery and paper plates and asked
to dissect the mushrooms. This aims to get pupils to look at mushrooms
as organisms, and is an opportunity to discuss biodiversity as well as tissues and structure,
structure and function, development (compare button mushrooms with
open flats) [CLICK
HERE for articles about this topic]. Biodiversity can usually be illustrated
with a range of cultivated mushrooms (Oysters and Shiitake almost
always available in supermarkets) together with field guides,
photographs, models and/or field specimens, depending on season and
local circumstances.
Favourite Fungus card game: (FF18 to FF24) is the the final
activity. There are 8 suits of cards in the pack, each suit tells one
fungus story, and each card gives one of 6 different facts about the
fungus story concerned. The cards are shuffled and 5 dealt to each of
4/5 players. Surplus cards are placed face down in the centre. Object
of the game is to collect five facts relating to one story (as a
variant of the game Rummy). As soon as a player has collected all five
cards in a story (which may include one of the jokers), he or she wins
by declaring “My Favourite Fungus!” and putting their cards on the
table for all to see. The game has been enjoyed by all ages, and we’ve
found that most groups, given the time, use the cards for other games
like Snap.
Flexibility is important: activities can be used in
different orders and for different times according to audience
reactions and local circumstances. As described, the activities are
usually more than enough for a two-hour session. Reserve supplementary
activities are a Name Game (FF17), which can be a good starter
activity, as it requires pupil input, and a selection of word
Final quiz: The event ends with a repeat of the
quiz used at the start – the same scientific questions are posed but
we generally add a few session evaluation questions. We have
always asked the pupils to complete written quizzes at the beginning
and end of the sessions to provide evaluations for later analysis.
Where this is not a consideration, the final quiz could be made
interactive by having the pupils use traffic light cards: green cards
for yes, red for no and amber for unsure – to get instant and more
lively feedback from the students.
National Science
Week 2006 sponsored by: