Mushroom Farming
This is a legacy website which is primarily aimed at undergraduates in biological sciences, but anyone with a keen interest in fungi may still find it useful and appealing.Designed in 2000 by Richard Clarke, who was then a final year undergraduate student at the University of Manchester (UK), it was updated by David Moore in 2011.But knowledge and ideas have changed since then and many of the Internet addresses given here are changed or no longer maintainedThe most current information can be found in the pages of 21st Century Guidebook to Fungi Online elsewhere on this website. Particularly:Chapter 11: Exploiting fungi for foodandChapter 17.21 Solid state fermentations |
Mostly Mushroom Farming
Contributed by
(2000, revised and updated 2011)
The aim of this part of the World of Fungi website is to highlight the mushroom cultivation industry. For people new to mushrooms or mushroom cultivation there are several pages dedicated to this, such as introduction to fungi and information about commercial cultivation of the mushroom. Finally there is a quick guide to producing a mushroom feast! Other pages deal with more specific details about mushroom farming including:
Original designer
Richard Clarke
Updated July 2019