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Field Mycology cover pages
Leccinum quercinum Orange Oak Bolete
Hebeloma incarnatulum
Leucocoprinus birnbaumii Plantpot Dapperling
Pholiota adiposa
Flammulina velutipes Velvet Shank
Aleuria aurantia Orange Peel Fungus
Phaeolepiota aurea Golden Bootleg
Taphrina johansonii (Aspen Tongue) growing on catkins of aspen
Laetiporus sulphureus Chicken of the Woods
Boletus impolitus Iodine Bolete
Cortinarius azureovelatus
Oudemansiella mucida Porcelain Fungus
Helvella lacunosa Elfin Saddle
Coprinus picaceus Magpie Inkcap
Amanita dryophila
Chlorosplenium aeruginascens
Fomes fomentarius Hoof Fungus or Tinder Bracket
Hebeloma crustuliniforme Poisonpie
Cortinarius claricolor
Russula decolorans Copper Brittlegill
Trametes versicolor Turkey Tail
Clavulinopsis fusiformis Golden Spindles
Cortinarius trivialis Girdled Webcap
As with other items on this website, there
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