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Mycologist cover pages
Polyporus squamosus - Dryad's saddle
Tapesia fusca
Cortinarius delibutus
Aspergillus parasiticus wild type (green) and spore colour mutants
Hydnellum caeruleum
Taphrina pruni
Flammulina velutipes
Spathularia flava
Tremiscus helvelloides
Flammulina velutipes
Aseroe rubra
Sarcoscypha sp.
Gymnosporangium clavariiforme
Macrolepiota procera
Hericium erinaceum
Chorioactis geaster - the Devil's cigar
Mitrula paludosa
Phaeolepiota aurea (painting)
Lactarius vietus
Inonotus radiatus
Puccinia caricina on Urtica dioica
Pleurotus cornucopiae
Ileodictyon cibarium
Calocera viscosa
Cordyceps militaris
Amanita regalis
Cortinarius pseudosalor
Agaricus excellens
Gyromitra esculenta
Cortinarius pholideus
Lycoperdon perlatum
Verpa conica
Panaeolus sphinctrinus
Exobasidium vaccinii
Schizophyllum commune
As with other items on this website, there
are no copyright issues for educational users in schools, but
all rights are reserved for any commercial use.
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