Representatives of the Agaricales

Representatives of the Agaricales

Photographs depicting some of the diversity of the Agaricales. A, Plicaturopsis crispa. B, Podoserpula pusio (photo by Heino Lepp). C, Pterula echo (photo by Dave McLaughlin). D, Camarophyllus borealis. E, Ampulloclitocybe clavipes. F, Resupinatus applicatus. G, Mycena aff. pura. H, Crucibulum laeve (photo by Mark Steinmetz, Mykoweb). I, Nolanea sp. J, Volvariella gloiocephala. K, Crepidotus fimbriatus. L, Basidiospores with germ pore of Psilocybe squamosa (photo by Roy Halling). M, Camarophyllopsis hymenocephala (photo by D. Jean Lodge). N, inverse lamellar trama and pleurocystidia of Pluteus (photo from D.E. Stuntz slide collection). O, Clitocybe subditopoda. P, Cortinarius bolaris. Q, Cylindrobasidium evolvens. R, Tricholoma columbetta. Modified from Fig. 2 in Matheny et al. (2006) using graphic files kindly supplied by Dr P. Brandon Matheny, University of Tennessee, USA. Reprinted with permission from Mycologia. © The Mycological Society of America.

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